Monday, April 30, 2007

What's happening

I just finished reading Gone with the Wind. I figured I should read the book before seeing the movie. It was okay, but seemed repetitive and it's hard to stay interested when the characters are so unlikeable and frustrating.

I'm watching the unaired Kidnapped episodes on DVD. I'm still sad it was cancelled.

I saw two wonderful live shows over the weekend:

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Drive cancelled

Drive is gone. I'm not surprised; the ratings were bad. I was enjoying it but it wasn't as good as it could have been. I hope Nathan Fillion can find a successful and good show.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Tummy Tuesday

Today's tummy belongs to Sally. See lisaviolet's blog for more tummies!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Cat Pictures

Here are Casper and Simon before we left the house to run some errands.

And here they are when we got back.

Here is Simon in one of her favorite sleeping spots.

April Showers

aren't supposed to include snow.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I'm bummed

Andy Barker, P.I. is canceled already. I loved that show. :(

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tummy Tuesday

It's Tummy Tuesday on lisaviolet's blog. These are some oldies of Magellan.

New Music

Here is some new (at least to me) music I'm listening to:

Walking on the World
by Jake Armerding
Never Been to Vegas by Red Molly
Waterloo, Tennessee by Uncle Earl
Over the Hills by Lucy Kaplansky

I've also recently purchased more albums by Tim O'Brien and Neko Case. So much good music.

Pet Food Recall

This situation is so sad. I feel for anyone who lost their pet.

Pet Food Recall Information

A tree hit by lightning

This is a tree on my parents' property that was struck by lightning. Mother Nature is not to be messed with.