Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The weather outside is frightful

We've had such nice, warm weather lately that the freezing rain and temps are quite shocking.

The Veronica Mars numbers were up for the last episode! I hope that trend continues in the future.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Friday, November 17, 2006

Veronica Mars News

Not as good as I was hoping, but I'll take what I can get...

The Veronica Mars news we've been waiting for is here — and it's mostly good.

Rob Thomas confirms that the CW has ordered seven more episodes, bringing the total number of Mars hours this season to 20. Sure, it's not the full, 22-episode pickup we were all hoping for, but I say we take what we can get and run with it.

Now, you're probably wondering, "What does this limited pickup mean for the final two mystery arcs this season!?" Well, Rob's trying to figure that out as we speak.
But obviously they'll be shorter than he had originally intended.

Old Crow Medicine Show

was awesome. I highly recommend them live if you get a chance.

My city started a smoking ban yesterday. Happy day.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

It's a beautiful day

I took some time to go riding this afternoon. Gwyn did very well. It is supposed to be another great day tomorrow, so maybe I'll get to go again. I feel like I should take advantage of it while it lasts.

Elections are over! I was pleasantly surprised with most of the results. Except for the Kansas Board of Education one. I don't know why anyone would have voted for the incumbent. Ugh.

Now we have to deal with Christmas commercials. I'm not ready!

I'm looking forward to the Old Crow Medicine Show concert next Thursday.

Monday, November 06, 2006

The cats enjoyed some outdoor time

yesterday. It was a beautiful fall day. More pictures here.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Defy the chicken

Maybe that's what I should have named this blog. Or "Fate's Bitch". Oh how I miss you, Wonderfalls.

Anyone want some candy? We had even fewer trick-or-treaters than normal (we never get that many despite our prime location) and have way too much candy left. I don't get it.

Gwyn had her follow-up massage yesterday. She did really well and was feeling quite good afterwards. Hopefully she won't feel the need to constantly pin her ears back now.

I took Magellan to the vet yesterday because she's missing some fur. No problems were found that could explain the hair loss. (I wonder if she was stressed after Persia passed.) She does have bad teeth and has to go in for a cleaning. Sigh.

I am so ready for elections to be over.